About Our Beaches

Come Visit Our Award-Winning Beaches
Shore Beach Service

Beach Rules
Prohibited on all Hilton Head Island beaches or adjacent waters:
- Alcoholic liquor, beer, wine
- Glass (bottles, containers, etc.)
- Holes may not be dug more than 12 inches deep and must be filled in at the end of the day.
- Personal property, (including canopies, chairs, umbrellas) left on the beach sunset-sunrise. These are considered litter and will be thrown away!
- Metal shovels
- Shovels longer than 30 inches
- Littering
- Indecent exposure or nudity
- Disorderly conduct
- Disturbing the peace
- Unauthorized vehicles
- Fires and Fireworks
- Shark Fishing
- Removal, harming, or harassment of any live beach fauna (sea turtles, sand dollars, conchs, starfish, etc.)
- Removal, alteration, or damage to dunes, sea oats, or other dune flora
- Operation, launching, or landing of unauthorized motorized watercraft
- Horse riding or driving
- Parasailing
- Unauthorized commercial activity
- Sleeping on the beach between midnight and 6 am
- Unauthorized wearing of lifeguard emblems, insignias, etc.
- Solicitation or distribution of handouts
- Kites not under manual control
- Stunt kites 10 am – 6 pm April 1 through September 30
- Sand-sailing 10 am – 6 pm April 1 through September 30

Designated Swim Areas
For the added protection of sunbathers and swimmers, designated swim areas are located at Alder Lane, Coligny, Driessen, Folly Field and Islanders Beach Parks. (Beach Markers 52A, 59A, 102, 105 and 110, respectively.)
All have restrooms and beach matting for easy access over the soft sand.
Prohibited between sunrise and sunset from April 1 through September 30:
–>Fishing or surfcasting
–>Frisbees and balls
–>Games with metal components
Additional Information
- May through October is sea turtle season. Please respect their habitats and turn lights out along the beach after 10:00 pm
- Lifeguards are provided seasonally at various locations.
- Recycling cans are placed at several locations on the beach.

Animals may visit with the following restrictions:
October 1 – March 31
On leash or under voice control
April 1 – Thursday before Memorial Day*
On leash
On leash or under voice control
Friday before Memorial Day – Labor Day**
Not allowed
On leash or under voice control
Tuesday after Labor Day – September 30*
On leash
On leash or under voice control
* No animals are allowed in Designated Swim Areas during these times.
** Service animals are allowed on leash.
Animal excrement must be removed from the beach.
Disposal bags for animal excrement are located at many beach signs.
Visit Our Beaches
Beach Safety
Beach Safety Tips
- Holes are dangerous! The sand can collapse & entrap a person. Never dig holes deeper than a foot (it is also against Town ordinances.)
- Apply plenty of sunscreen and reapply it throughout the day.
- Remember trouble spots such as the ears, feet, and nose. Even cloudy days allow the sun’s harmful rays to cause sunburn.
- Wear sunglasses. The sun’s rays can cause serious eye damage.
- Drink plenty of water. The hot summer days can dehydrate you very quickly.
- Be aware of the rules and regulations of the beach. Signs are posted near most beach accesses.
Beach Safety Tips
- Don’t leave your kids unsupervised, even in guarded areas. They may wander and become lost.
- Find the nearest lifeguard if you or someone in your group becomes lost.
- Report any hazardous beach conditions to the nearest lifeguard.
- Know the name of the beach or hotel/condo and the Beach Marker Number where you are staying, so the lifeguard can better assist if you are lost.
- There are often jellyfish and stingrays as well as other sea life in the water which may sting or cut a person. Other problems may occur on the beach or in the water which may require first aid. In any situation where first aid is needed, find a highchair lifeguard, rental attandant, or seek further medical attention.
Water Safety Tips
Water Safety Tips
- Don’t enter the water if you cannot swim.
- Swim near a lifeguard. United States Lifessaving Association statistics show that substantially more drownings occur in areas where there are no lifeguards.
- Ask the highchair lifeguard or rental attendant about any dangers in the water or on the beach, especially flying a yellow flag (medium hazard), red flag (high hazard)or purple flag (stinging marine life).
- Be aware of direction and strength of longshore currents. These currents can take you up and down the beach quickly and cause you or your kids to get become lost.
- Don’t let your kids swim unsupervised, even in guarded areas.
- Never swim alone. Use the buddy system so that someone always knows where you are so they can get help if needed.
- Don’t overestimate your swimming ability. Stay in chest deep or less water to insure you don’t get stuck in water over your head.
- Beware of underwater drop-offs that may create sudden change in the depth of the water.
- Don’t rely on flotation devices.
- Swim parallel to shore if you want to swim long distances.
- Always swim sober.
- Don’t dive into unknown water or shallow breaking waves. Always go feet first. This will help you avoid spinal injuries.
- Report any hazardous water conditions to the nearest highchair lifeguard or rental attendant.
- Call or wave for help if you are in trouble.
- Learn about rip currents!

Beach Markers
Hilton Head’s beaches are marked with signs to let emergency responders know where anyone who needs help is on the beach. They are also useful to help you find your place if you are lost on the beach. It is helpful for everyone in your group to know the marker where you are staying, so that you can return on your own or tell beach patrol personnel so they can get you back to the right place.
The markers, shown in the picture, sit near the dune line and start at #1 at Braddock Cove in South Beach and go north to marker # 134 at Fish Haul Creek in Port Royal. The signs are placed approximately a tenth of a mile apart and at most beach access points. If the sign has a letter after the number, it is marking an access only and is not marking any distance. For example, marker 59A sits at the access to Coligny Beach Park, and falls between markers 59 and 60, which sit about a tenth of a mile apart. Some notable location are listed on the left.
Beach Marker Locations
1 | Bradock Cove | 75 |
Windsor Place & Windsor II |
13 | Tower Beach Club | 76 | Windsor Court |
37 | Monarch | 77 | Hampton Place |
38 | Sea Pines Beach Club | 78 – 78A | Omni Resort |
52A | Alder Lane Beach Park | 79A – 80 | Captain’s Walk |
53 – 54 | Grande Ocean | 80A | Disney |
54A | Hilton Ocean Oaks | 81 | Villamare |
56 | Ocean Club Villas | 82 – 82A | Hilton Beachfront Resort |
56A | Seaside | 83 | Dunes House |
57A | Shorewood | 94A | Hilton Head Resort |
58 | Beachwood Place | 97 | Folly Creek |
58A | Ocean One | 98 | Burke’s Beach |
59 | Beach House | 100 | Surf Watch |
59A | Coligny Beach Park | 102 | Driessen Beach Park |
60 | Breakers | 102A – 104 | Beach & Tennis |
60A | Sea Crest | 104A | Sea Cloisters |
72 | Sonesta Resort/Shipyard | 105 | Folly Field Beach Park |
72A | Leamington Beach House | 107A – 109A | Island Club |
73 | South Shore | 110 – 110A | Islander’s Beach Park |
73B | Somerset | 110B | Barony Beach Club |
73C | Leamington | 111 – 111A | Westin |
74 | Barrington Court | 123 | Port Royal Beach Club |
74A | Barrington Arms | 134 | Fish Haul Creek |

116 Arrow Road • Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Phone: (843)785-3494 • Fax: (843)785-2023 • office@shorebeach.com